The first Spring planting I did this year was potting up petunia seedlings. After a very dry Winter, which parched plants and made the grass all brown and crunchy, I wanted some brilliant colour for the start of Spring. The lovely Stephenie, over at The Awakened Soul, wrote about the pretty pansies she has planted in her window boxes and how they bring cheerfulness to her little pink cottage. Petunias, with their vibrant, multi-coloured blooms can bring that kind of happiness too ...
My all-pink petunia pot.
Random, multi-coloured happiness!
Such amazing variety ...
... and gorgeous colours!
White pentunia and blue lobelia.
Sunlight on a pure white petunia.
A pot of colour outside my kitchen window.
Petunias are pretty, easy-to-grow flowers. I potted up some small seedlings from the nursery in a good quality potting mix, watered them in with a seaweed solution and now only water them if I feel the potting mix is getting a bit dry. I remove their spent flower heads as they finish to encourage even more flowers.
While I do not have window boxes, I have put a couple of my petunia pots on the verandah outside my kitchen windows. I love looking out upon these pretty flowers while I'm doing the washing up! I smile every time I see them. 😃
What are you growing right now that brings you a smile?