Simple projects, in these complicated times, seem to be what I want to lean into. I want to make things that don't require too much "figuring out" but rather things I can relax into because they are easy or repetitive or I've made similar before. Perhaps, there's a comfort in a familiar process and a reassurance that it will all turn out fine. So it was with this little blue ribbon bag.
Little blue ribbon bag.
This sweet little bag is the first in a set I am going to make from an unfinished and beautiful vintage tea cloth. A tea cloth gifted to me, amongst many other linen-y treasures, by the lovely and generous Maria. The tea cloth is embroidered with swirling ribbons tied in bows, twining green stems and lazy daisy flowers.
Vintage and antique linens are my favourite fabrics to sew with. They are often soft with age and use and embroidered with sweet motifs. They often come with stories! Sometimes, their motifs may be incomplete or the fabric may be threadbare or stained in some places. So, choosing what to make will often depend on how much of the fabric can be salvaged and re-purposed into something new.
I made this little blue ribbon bag using the instructions detailed by Jude Van Heel, of the utterly gorgeous Fairy Wren Cottage, in the latest issue of Grass Roots magazine (#257). It was so very simple to make:
I made a template and cut out the pieces for the bag.
I stitched tiny french knots for flower centres.
I mended a few flowers as their centres had frayed.
I sewed it together and threaded through a blue ribbon.
(It had to be blue!)
A project like this embodies a simplicity that gladdens my heart. I 💙that it makes something new from something old in a world where older things are sometimes just discarded.
More of Maria's pretty tea cloth.
I am looking forward to sewing up more of these little bags, with the fabric from Maria's gifted tea cloth. I think I should be able to make at least three more. One with an orange bow and purple flowers, one with a purple bow and orange flowers and one with blue flowers tied with a pink bow. More simple sewing ahead!
I'd love to know what simple projects you are working on too.