Arriving just as the sun was going down, rugged up in our layers to keep out the Winter cold, we enjoyed a night-time visit to our little local show in the valley.
Around it goes!

Looking down from the top!
Colourful, wide-mouthed clowns.
Sparkly balloons.
Side show alley rides.
Side show alley rides.
Given the chill in the air, we soon made our way to the big bonfire, burning up the leftovers from the woodchopping competition earlier in the day. The heat from those crackling, golden flames was toasty warm and so we found a spot nearby for our barbecue tea. While we ate our burgers and sausages-on-bread, drips of tomato sauce on our chins, we joined in with the beat of the bush band playing their toe-tapping, sing-a-long tunes.
The Bush Band playing one of their upbeat songs.
I only had a moment to dash in to the pavilion, where I usually while away much of my show day, before it closed for the night and while hubby and son sourced dinner. I wish I'd had more time as I love seeing what people are growing and baking and making!
Beautiful roses like this one.
Delicious cakes and biscuits and slices...
(I remember making this when I was a girl!)
Lots of jam and lots of ribbons!
Juicy oranges for judging.
Pikelets ... of course!
After our dinner was done, it was around and around on the ferris wheel to look out over the showgrounds, lit up by the colourful lights of side-show alley.

Looking down from the top!
After our whirl through the sky, we joined with many others to await the fireworks. After a countdown from ten to an enthusiastic "Zero!" from all the children in the crowd, those first fireworks whizzed up and into the sky. Popping and crackling and fizzing, they burst into showers of sparkles that lit up the dark sky of the valley.
Bursts of colourful sparkles.
A stroll around sideshow alley, a few whirling rides and an ice-cream (it seems our boy can eat ice-cream no matter the weather) later, we were back in the car and heading for the warmth of home. While our night-time visit to the show cut short our time compared to other years, we still found much we enjoyed.
Our little local show is something we look forward to, as a family, every single year. That's a tradition that I hope continues for many a year yet.