Friday 22 January 2016

A Simple Softie 2

This, everyone, is Helga. My endearing little elephant softie. Do you like her flappy yellow ears? I do!

A soft and sweet softie.

Helga was a very simple softie to sew. A perfect project, I think, for a beginner to practise some basic skills and experience success.  I did have to unpick the seam I sewed to join her two sides together because I realised (too late, of course) that I needed to have most of her tail inside her tummy when I sewed her up so that she would actually have a tail when I turned her right-side out! Little things...


That's better! 

Once I had sewn successfully almost all the way around her, to join her two sides, I turned her right-side out and the rest was easy. 

Right side out. A little thin for an elephant though!

The blunt end of a knitting needle helps to push stuffing into corners and curves.

I  looked at these very helpful tips and tricks for stuffing softies here and watched this You-Tube tutorial on how to use ladder stitch to close the opening (see photo above) so it's practically invisible. 

Finished and ready for cuddles.

Now she is a plump elephant! She is ready too for a journey through the post to a little child in need of a special softie to carry and cuddle. I'm sending her to the Mirabel Foundation as part of the Softies for Mirabel Handmade Toy Drive which I found out about here on Pip Lincolne's blog, Meet Me at Mikes. She will be matched up with just the right little person. I wonder what name her small owner will give her? I'm pretty sure it won't be Helga!  I hope they will like her flappy yellow ears, perfect for whispering fears and dreams into.

I hope you have a lovely weekend that is as sunshiny and bright as Helga's yellow ears!



  1. She's lovely Meg. I was feeling sad that I don't have enough time left to make a Softie for Mirabel this year....but I'm feeling inspired so maybe I do!

    1. I can't wait to see what you make, Lucy. I'm sure it will be lovely!

